Dj Grind am Pimmel
yes last band was already postet… but don’t forget about the true secret Headliner… Hero of the night: Dj Grind am Pimmel!
Band: Korpse
Last Band for the line-up folks! Amsterdam’s finest Brutal Death/Slam warriors are entering the stage of Grabbenacht! Korpse!
Band: Anam
The next band is a young Death/Grind bastard from Wuppertal! Prepare for Anam!
Grabbenacht 2017 – Schnaps+
Den nächsten 50 Tickets die bestellt werden legen wir je Ticket, 2 „Ficken for Free“ Gutscheine bei, diese könnt ihr dann auf dem Festival gegen FICKEN – der geheimnisvolle Partyschnaps Shots umtauschen – auf, auf, Ausverkauf!! http://dev.infernalmusic.com/shop/
Band: Zerogod
Old-School Death Metal Tank from Pirmasens is rolling on!
Band: Brutal Sphincter
Catchy Goregrind straight outta fries-equator! Please welcome Brutal Sphincter from Belgium/Luxembourg!
Band: Hellknife
Crust ‚N‘ Roll from Mannheim! Local heroes from Hellknife are flying in!!
Band: Fleshless
Czech bulldozer is taking course on Grabbenacht! Death Metal since 1993 from Fleshless.
Band: Pest Empire
Let’s have some spooky occult Black/Doom too. Dark rituals powered by Pest Empire from Speyer.
Band: Chordotomy
Sunday Slam! Augsburg brutality delivered by Chordotomy. prepare for some intense circle running folks!